Vocational Training for the Youth

The youths in Bangladesh are underutilized due to lack of appropriate skills. In Bangladesh very little steps have been taken so far for opening up avenues of skill development for the rural youths, who are generally deterred from entering into public training centers due to lack of academic qualifications and required costs. However, it is commonly recognized that little could be expected from the youths unless their technical potential is developed. An important contribution made by Anando in this field is the Vocational Training for Youth Resource Development
Anando has a very well-constructed building under this program. The building is 1450 square meter long and semi-pucca that has a veranda and six rooms for arranging classes and project administration. The VTC also has 422 square meter open workshop space and a 924 square meter long two-storied full-pucca dormitory that provides accommodation to 30 students including dining hall, bathrooms, toilets, and two guest rooms for visitors.
During the year 2016 a three storage girls hotel has been constructed in the VTC and 20 girls are accommodated in the hostel. During the year 2016, 88 unemployed youth (30 girls and 55 boys) received one year skill development
training in different courses including 3 months internship in the local production shop/institution/company. Out of 88 students 43 students are provided with hostel facilities as they came from distant places. The scope of utilization of this center is expanding gradually and Anando has plan for maximizing its use further.
Youths who have graduated from the VTC of Anando are now confident of their self-employment of these 42
graduates have already got jobs in different workshop/production centers and in company during and after the
completion of internship. In addition, 21 graduates built their own workshops.
Impact of Vocational Training Center
PURNIMA TRIPURA, she lives in Laifu Karbari Para village of Tablechari union under Matiranga sadar Upzila,
Khagrachari hill tract, wich is 71 kilometer her from Anando Vocational Training Center. They are 5 brothers
and sisters. She is youngest one in family. Her father is a agriculture labor & Jhum cultivator and Mother is a
house wife. It was quite impossible for them to run the family expenses and not afford to bear their children`s
education cost with his measly income. She has to stop her education in grade Nine .
Purnima once a day known through miking in the Matiranga Upazila announcing “ Admission is going on for the dropped students in tailoring course by Anando”. Punima comes to heard and see the admission Poster and banner. She is interested to take tailoring training and informed her father. Because she is dropped from high school education level. She is shared with her father in subject matter. Purnima with her father come to Anando training centre and submission an application for admission. She is selected for the tailoring training and got admission for the session January to December-2016. She could know that Anando`s has girls hostel facilities. She is admitted with hostel facilities and starting her training. Besides their regular training and they have a program schedule for 5 days in a week.
They have got a special opportunities to learn English (like; courtesy, behavior and introducing yourself), issues related an additional class (like ; stop early marriage, family peace, social morality, primary health care), dancing (local & traditional), singing (patriotic and local), vegetable gardening, nutrition, kitchen gardening and house classes etc. After a ten-month institutional training; she was assigned to Khokon Tailors at Khagrachari bazar for internship training for two months. She successfully completes the one year training and leaves the training centre a certificate as one of the best students.
Now she is thinking –what will she do ? She wants to buy a machine but where the money will come from. She keeps looking for a way and finds out that Multi Co-operatives (a commercial business oriented) provides micro credit in their area. She takes a loan from Multi Co-operatives of BDT 20,000/- and bought a sewing machine with different printed cloths. With this machine she makes a different kinds of dresses for her neighbors and local people. She pays back the entire loan within due time from the earnings of this business. Now she is very happy to given money to her parents and expenses her family costing. She earns average 6500-7000 thousand taka per month.
She is very happy now for help to her parents. She expects and wants to be a Tailor Cutting Master. She wants to given thanks and grateful to ANANDO-authorities to become a change her future life. She feels that once a day she wants to help training girls to her local area and make them self-employment. Now she is thinking –what will she do ? She wants to buy a machine but where the money will come from. She keeps looking for a way and finds out that Multi Co-operatives (a commercial business oriented) provides micro credit in their area. She takes a loan from MultiCo-operatives of BDT 20,000/- and bought a sewing machine with different printed cloths. With this machine
she makes a different kinds of dresses for her neighbors and local people. She pays back the entire loan within due time from the earnings of this business. Now she is very happy to given money to her parents and expenses her family costing. She earns average 6500-7000 thousand taka per month. She is very happy now for help to her parents. She expects and wants to be a Tailor Cutting Master. She wants to given thanks and grateful to ANANDO-authorities to become a change her future life. She feels that once a day she wants to help training girls to her local area and make them self-employment.